POLET workshop on fossil fuel decline

POLET researchers and their partners hosted an online workshop on 11 and 12 January 2022 to share and discuss the findings of the Contractions project. This project has focused on identifying historic precedents for and current pledges of fossil fuel decline.

This analysis has enabled us to quantify the speed and identify preconditions of historic declines in order to compare them to what is needed to meet climate targets. During the workshop, we discussed key research findings as well as provided opportunities to discuss future research directions and needs.

Our policy brief presented during the workshop gives an overview of the relevance of our research findings to decision-makers.

Workshop presentations

Keynote presentations

Historical and future decline rates in the context of policy pledges thematic session

Fossil fuel lock-in and destablisation mechanisms thematic session

The impacts of fossil decline on jobs and work ahead for translating lessons to developing and emerging economies thematic session


Feasibility of Germany’s newly proposed RES targets


Can we predict the future growth of renewables based on past trends?