NuclEar and Wind Socio-TEchnical Pathways for Sweden (in Swedish: Kärn- och vind-kraft sociotekniska scenarier för Sverige) compares and analyses technologies and policies that can realistically expand Sweden’s low-carbon electricity supply while ensuring economic competitiveness. Existing techno-economic models have identified plausible combinations of low-carbon technologies that can supply electricity required for climate neutrality. NEW STEPS aims to complement these models by advancing science and soliciting stakeholder inputs on socio-technical and institutional drivers and barriers to nuclear and wind power.
In NEW STEPS we will identify combinations of technologies that are feasible to upscale sufficiently fast and the policies required for such transition as well as broader consequences for Sweden’s competitiveness. In contrast to the existing models that mostly depict the longer-term end-states, NEW STEPS will spell out realistic storylines with near-term steps and critical intermediary junctures to inform science, authorities, industry, and the public on feasible pathways for low-carbon electricity in Sweden. Rooted in stakeholder engagement and funded by the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten), we hope to contribute to the debate about Sweden’s future electricity. Please get in touch with us if you’re interested in our results or engaging with our stakeholder meetings.
NEW STEPS is led by Jessica Jewell and Aleh Cherp.
Commentary and news related to NEW STEPS project